Wednesday 15 July 2009

Adebayor to leave for Manchester City

It looks like Adebayor will be leaving Arsenal this summer, after he has passed a medical in Manchester.

I can't say that I will be too upset - he had one great season where he looked invincible, but he was very poor last season, and didn't look as though he was bothered about results. That was the real reason the fans turned on him - the fact he didn't track back, he didn't put himself into positions where he could collect a pass, and his general laziness all meant that he put himself in the frame for the fan's frustrations with the team as a whole.

The fact that he is going to Manchester City really does make a lie that he wanted to move to a better club, and shows him up for the money-grubbing twat we all thought he was - cheers for proving us right, Ade.

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