Monday, 29 March 2010

Maps of London

The Londonist is running a competition for maps of London, and this one caught my eye: it is a very cool, esoteric hand-drawn map of London - very creative, with dinosaurs, giant snails and minor landmarks, such as pubs and favourite thai restaurants taking precedence over the more common landmarks of London. As an accurate depiction of London, it falls way short, but as an act of pyscho-geographic* cartography, it is really brilliant.

The original, full-size version can be found here.

*Pyscho-geography: The relationship between pysche and place - rather than simply describing a place, you describe how it feels, how it makes you feel, the memories it evokes, and so on. So a road that you walk down for the first time may be threatening, loud and bustling, but once you have walked down that road 100 times, you no longer notice the groups of men standing outside cafes, the noise, the smells. The road has not change, but your reaction and your relationship to it, has. For more information, you could do worse than read these books: Book 1, Book 2.

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