Wednesday 27 January 2010

grumble, grumble, grumble

It's a well-known fact that when things go wrong, they generally go wrong altogether at the same time. This a cruel joke played by God* to push you to absolute breaking point.

I had to wake up early this morning, as work had a release going out before 8am. I had planned to get the 7.20am train, but missed this by a matter of seconds. For this I blame the traffic lights at the pedestrian crossing by the train station: I waited there for about half a minute before they changed and allowed me to cross. I also blame the guy who tried to beg 20p off of me on the way to the station - if he had not accosted me for 10 seconds, I may have made the pedestrian crossing on the previous change, and hence got on my train. A salutory warning there about the good reasons for ignoring the plight of the homeless.

Having missed the train, and with the next one in 20 minutes (so I would be late) I set off for the tube. Traffic jams meant that I didn't get on the tube until 7.45 anyway, so I should have stayed where I was (although the bus was warm, so I was at least up on that deal).

After struggling into work, the release didn't actually happen: a problem meant that the resources had changed, but that the network wasn't picking them up. I also realised that I had forgotten my breakfast, lunch and my front door keys. Happy days.

*(other omniscient beings are available)

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