Wednesday, 9 December 2009

'Kidults' living with their parents longer

The Office for National Statistics have released a study saying that many young adults in their mid-20s and early 30s, are increasingly postponing the transition to adulthood.

It seems that 1/3 of them say they are still living at home because they cannot afford to get a toehold on the property ladder by buying or renting. But that means that 2/3rds of them are staying through choice.

I find this very strange. I couldn't wait to leave home, and I saw it as an important part of growing up - having my own space, being independent, and being responsible to no-one but myself. And frankly, I saw the people who stayed at home as dullards and a little bit weird to be honest: why would you stay with your parents, and abide by the rules set down for you when you were a teenager, when you could live by yourself, and do exactly as you pleased.

It was made easier for me, as I left home for university, but even once my course had finished, I moved back to my mum's for only 5 or 6 months, while I found a job and got some money together. Once I had enough money to afford a deposit and month's rent, I moved out. Yes, there were some tough times, and yes, I couldn't always afford to eat properly, but that is part and parcel of gaining independence, and growing up. You make your mistakes when you are young, so that you learn how to budget properly, you learn how to cook, you learn how to fend for yourselves. It was a greater education than anything else I have done, and I can't help but feel that those people who stay at home are not only isolating themselves from the joys of living by yourself, but also willingly infantilising themselves.

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